Meet Susan Seider


Susan has a proven track record of assisting small to medium size businesses to increase sales by analyzing and developing effective marketing strategies and improving operational performance.

In 1996, Susan established Marketing Options with clients in various industries including Jewelry, Publishing and Toys/Games.

Previously Susan worked for a privately-held award winning jewelry manufacturer recognized around the world as the ultimate in innovative jewelry design.

Susan is a results driven individual who is analytical, self-motivated and detail orientated. Education includes studies at Solihull College in the UK and UCLA.

Marketing Options

If you are a business in need of someone to handle your marketing efforts but not ready for a full-time commitment, there is a cost-efficient solution for you. Marketing Options offers the expertise you need and saves you the expense of hiring employees you may not need or are unable to afford at this time.

There are three distinct advantages why Marketing Options might the the right choice for you:

  1. Flexibility - Access to a skilled professional as needed.

  2. Save Money -Only pay for what you need.

  3. Commitment - Marketing Options is committed to getting to know your organization's specific needs and working with you and your team to build a structure for continued growth.

We can complement your in-house marketing and creative teams, or we can be your only marketing team, to be called upon whenever necessary. For a low monthly fee, or on a project basis, we can help you target more customers consistently and with the right message. Increasing enquiries, increasing your sales.

Reach more customers more often and with the right message
increasing responses, increasing sales and increasing profits.

Let's Talk about how I can help you develop a competitive edge today!